How to Recover Lost Data from Hard Drives and USBs

Imagine the anxiety when you realize that important documents, cherished family photos, or vital work projects have vanished from your hard drive or USB stick.

This nightmare scenario is all too common, with a staggering 140,000 hard drives crashing in the U.S. every week, per data from Boston Computing, and data loss affecting countless USB storage users globally.

When data seems lost, it's not always gone for good. The key to recovery often lies in acting promptly and using the right tools. Here’s a guide on how to navigate this stressful situation.

5-Step Guide to Recover Lost Data from Hard Drives and USBs

Step #1: Immediate Cessation of Use

As soon as you suspect data loss, stop using the hard drive or USB immediately. Any additional data written to the device can overwrite the lost files. This can significantly diminish the chances of recovery.