INFOGRAPHIC: A Comparison Between Nvidia A100 and Nvidia L40S

Apple's recent release of its first Large Language Model (LLM) called Ferret, powered by 8 Nvidia A100 GPUs has got the tech industry's attention.

The A100 is perfect for cutting-edge AI research, large language models, and scientific simulations, where sheer power and ample memory are crucial. However, it takes a while for most companies to get the Nvidia H100 and Nvidia A100 GPUs, so some are turning their attention to the new Nvidia L40S GPUs. The L40S is a versatile champion for various tasks, excelling in AI inference, HPC, and general-purpose computing at a more competitive price and with lower power consumption.

The Nvidia A100 and Nvidia L40S are robust GPUs crafted for AI and graphics-intensive tasks, yet they come with distinct strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will discuss the key features of the Nvidia A100 and the Nvidia L40S.