How to Turn on and Schedule Dark Theme on Android
Fun fact: dark themes technically existed before light themes.

A dark theme is one of those aesthetically pleasing features. Many websites and apps come with the option to switch to dark mode but devices have had this feature for a long time too.
Reportedly, 55% of desktop users prefer using dark mode. 67% of macOS users are using dark mode and 75% of Android users enable dark mode on their devices. To be honest, the love for darker themes is quite understandable. No one likes getting flash-banged whenever they wake up in the night to have a quick look at the time on their phone.
In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of turning on your Android device's dark theme or at least setting it to come on at night so you don't keep waking up to a bright surprise.
How to Turn on Dark Theme on Android
- Open Settings and tap on "Display and Brightness"

- Toggle the "Dark theme" button on

How to Schedule Dark Theme
Alternatively, you could set Dark Theme to automatically turn on at night or at custom times. To do that, follow these steps;
- Tap "Dark theme"

- Select "Schedule"

- You can choose to either turn on "Dark theme" at a custom time or to only come on from sunset to sunrise

- If you choose to set it at a custom time, you will be shown preset on and off times, which you can change to your preferred time.

Fun fact: dark themes technically existed before light themes. Old text-based interfaces came in 'dark mode' to allow for easier readability. Sometimes, tapping into old tech can be a good thing.
Image Credit: Louis Eriakha/